Friday 3 February 2012

The Chemistry of Fine Teas

Tea has been an Oriental drink for thousands of years. That was primarily green tea, an extract straight from the green tea plant. It was only in the 1800-s that tea was planted in India by the British, who also discovered the science of processing the green tea leaves to produce the blanched black variety. The introduction of milk and sugar was also a British innovation. They then took it to the next level, making the drinking of tea a social custom, a part of social nicety and good manners. Equally well known is the Indian influence on tea. A lot has changed in the world of business over the past years, but the best tea brand will invariably be Indian.

In spite of repeated attempts over the decades, quality tea could not be produced anywhere else in the world but India. The subtle combination of terrain, weather, altitude and experienced labour could be replicated anywhere else but in India. In today’s world, as over the past two centuries, Indian tea is the benchmark of quality.

When wholesale tea dealers the world over order bulk tea, or as is the recent trend, when a tea company attempts to buy tea online, they turn to tea brands which are essentially Indian. Whether the leisurely connoisseur of the divine drink buys tea, or whether the busy modern executive buys tea bags, they always buy tea which has Indian origins Buying tea is an art and not every tea drinker is gifted with it. So it is best to depend on the most reputed tea suppliers. Wholesale teas depend much on the latest state of the art tea packaging, which retains its freshness.

Next time you are buying tea wholesale, look for the best – do not look beyond India.

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